Bioart Experience
During the Winter 2024 semester I was given the opportunity by my close friend Zeyad to come and paint the walls of their parents pediatric clinic located at 2055 Huron Church Rd. The subject matter of the paintings varied from room to room. Some composing of aquatic life, and another room that is jungle themed. This project is still currently ongoing into the summer of 2024 as there are rooms left to complete. This experience allowed me to combine both biology in the form of depicting living organism with combing painting to create these images, all while in a medical clinic setting. This proved to be a very fruitful experience because this was a very hands on activity as we spend long hours on multiple days of the week working on this project. I was not able to show up every single time but I did dedicated more than 15+ hours towards two different rooms that were painted. The first room consisted of a jungle theme which I focus mainly my hours on which can be seen below. Then came the aquatic life room which I dedicated fewer hours compared to the first. This can also be seen below. The whole process allowed me to practice and improve my paintings skills which aided me in the future of this capstone research project, as well as I got to see the functionality of the pediatric clinic while being there. This volunteering opportunity truly made a positive impact towards my efforts on this capstone project and also expanded my perspective on bio art.
Jungle Room

Aquatic Room


A video Published by the clinic themselves